Welcome to my website, it presents some professional articles and others articles related to my hobbies.
Benvenuti nel mio sito web, presenta alcuni articoli professionali e altri articoli relativi ai miei hobby.

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Articoli – Articles
The handover management of the Metro Transportation System of Riyadh, KSA – by Antonio Castano, Marco Corvino, Andrea Gatti, Alessandro Gaetani (Italcertifer ICP Team Riyadh), Giampaolo Mancini, Carmine Zappacosta, Marco Magnarosa, Luca Beccastrini (Italcertifer S.p.A. Firenze) – Presented to WCRR 2022 in Birmingham – OP.30 Safety, security and certification by Marco Corvino
The assessment process of the EN50155 on-board electronic equipment (published on Linkedin in January 2019)
Passo dopo passo di Andrea Gatti
Un mondo a parte di Giacomo Scaccabarozzi
The European Energy Measurement System on board of trains WCRR 2011
The new Trenitalia fault tolerant high speed Ethernet Train Network development WCRR 2021
Fault Tolerant High Speed Ethernet Train Network – Create the Future Design Contest 2011
Power Line Communication: a new approach for Train Passenger Information Systems WCRR 2008
From Fifth to Vector WCRR 2006
La ricerca europea per la manutenzione ferroviaria: il progetto EuRoMain – AIMAN 2004
Train as mobile devices – Wireless Design Conference 2002
Internet e sistemi embedded – Mokabyte 1999